You realize you're a psychology undergraduate student when...

*based on personal experiences.And oh yeah, I'm guilty of using excessive English without paying attention to grammar and such. It's just the way I think recently. Bear with me. 1. People start seeking YOUR advice 2. ...and expecting you to be super-patient listening to their rant 3. ...and giving you dirty look when you say, "I can't help you solve your problem, I'm still a freshman..." 4. Some people acts ridiculous in front of you because they are afraid that YOU can read their mind ("Do I look like Ki Joko Bodo to you?") 5. You think some people's hatred for Sigmund Freud's theory is kinda overrated. (I mean, seriously...Old man Freud's opinion cannot be blamed for moral degradation.) 6. You restrain yourself from using words like 'autistic' and 'schizophrenia'. 7. You start using phrases like 'the law of effect' or 'tabula rasa' in everyday conversation (and having people looking at you like y...