Joint Blog Project : Illufiction

Aida (@aidayuni), Rangga (@rankrank), Riri (@ririe_risa) and I just launched a joint blog project! It is called Illufiction a.k.a Illusional Fiction. I (who recently listen too much to The Beatles than what is healthy) suggest an alternative name for our blog, "The Lonely Hearts Club Blog" (from "Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band"), but ultimately "Illufiction" (Aida's idea) win the voting. Well, a part of my idea was used as the blog theme, hahaha. And about the name "Illufiction"...I have to admit this name grew on me. Hopefully you will like it too : the name and, of course, the blog.

True to its name, we'll be taking turn posting a chapter of stories every week. Each one of us will write different stories but we have one uniting theme : loneliness. Don't worry, we'll try not to be too mushy :) Our stories are more like existential loneliness than "galau" loneliness. We also have discussed about our characters and stories, so far it's sooo exciting. Not entirely unique (after all, there's nothing new under the sky) but I can guarantee an interesting perspective since the four of us are (and were, and will be, again) psychology students.

Since it will be updated (at least) once a week, please visit it weekly. Eh...just visit it as often as you can :)

"Language...has created the word 'loneliness' to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word 'solitude' to express the glory of being alone."
(Paul Tillich)


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