Saat mendengar lagu itu : A Message

My song is love
Love to the loveless shown
And it goes up
You don't have to be alone

Your heavy heart
Is made of stone

And it's so hard to see you clearly
You don't have to be alone
You don't have to be on your own

And I'm not gonna take it back
And I'm not gonna say I don't mean that
You're the target that I'm aiming at
Got to get that message home

My song is love
My song is love, unknown
But I'm on fire for you, clearly
You don't have to be alone
You don't have to be on your own

And I'm not gonna stand and wait
Not gonna leave it until it's much too late
On a platform I'm gonna stand and say
That I'm nothing on my own
And I love you, please come home
My song is love, is love, unknown
And I've got to get that message home

Kangen masa lalu...saat semuanya jauh lebih sederhana. Saat tidak terlalu banyak yang harus dipertimbangkan dan dimasukkan dalam persamaan.
I miss the old you...or to be exact, 
(atau kalau mau lebih tepat lagi, mungkin lebih bagus kalau dibilang 'what I perceived as the old us')

Ps. buat Mas Chris Martin : makasih lho udah nyiptain lagu yang oke banget, dan seratus persen menyuarakan isi hati. hiks hiks.
A Message memang pancen oye.


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