
Showing posts from December, 2016

Day #1 : 10 Things That Makes Me Happy (PART 2)

Greetings, random lurkers  of the dark alleys of internet, it is nice to see you again. I hope you are not waiting everyday for my post, because I have been cheating on this challenge by not posting in consecutive days. But trust me, I have prepared this post for quite some time.  So let's just forget my inconsistency, and on to the part 2, shall we? Credit : This post was written (and posted) after urging from Aulia Dewantari. Go check her entries here .  For the first part of my post, click here . 6.Germany win in a major competition Actually it doesn't have to be major competition. My mood escalates drastically every time the German national football team win a match, no matter how trivial that match is. You can imagine how ecstatic I was when Germany won the 2014 World Cup. One of the major reasons why I think 2014 is among the best year of my life so far. Some of you might think, why Germany? That, my friend, is a hard question. You might need to subje

Day #1 : 10 Things That Makes Me Happy (PART 1)

Greetings, random lurker of the dark alleys of world wide web, I welcome thee. I was tempted to revive this dormant blog after I read my friend Aulia ' s challenge post. If you happen to be (somehow) enlightened/entertained/experience any kind of positive influence from this post, please go check her post here and thank her. Considering so many negative things happen -globally, locally, and personally-  it is necessary to remember things that makes me happy. But, good gracious, who would think that it would be so hard? Well, for me, at least. Of course, there are a lot of things/moments that induced some sort of positive affect within me, but was that really happiness? Did I genuinely feel it or did I just trick myself into feeling it because I think I should? Was it counted as happiness only if I am aware of it when it happened, or is it okay if I realized it in retrospect? What is happiness, really? Well, I decided not to overthink it further and just wrote down thi